SPR903 – Methoden qualitativer Forschung

Methoden qualitativer Forschung
Methods in Qualitative Research
Module number
Version: 1
Angewandte Sprachen und Interkulturelle Kommunikation
1 Semester
Summer semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. Doris Fetscher

Course language(s)

German - 33.33%
in "Methods in Qualitative Research"

French - 33.33%
in "Methods in Qualitative Research"

English - 33.33%
in "Methods in Qualitative Research"

ECTS credits

5.00 credits


150 hours


4.00 SCH (4.00 SCH Lecture with integrated exercise / seminar-lecture)

Self-study time

90.00 hours
90.00 hours Selbststudium / Übungsaufgaben - Methods in Qualitative Research


alternative Prüfungsleistung - Paper
Module examination | Weighting: 50%
in "Methods in Qualitative Research"

alternative Prüfungsleistung - Presentation
Module examination | Examination time: 20 min | Weighting: 50%
in "Methods in Qualitative Research"

Media type
No information
Instruction content/structure

- theoretical foundations of qualitative social research: problems and limitations

- empirical social research as a social and communicative process

- observation: essential elements, field of application, styles and experience

- interview techniques

- Critical Incident methodology

- intercultural assessment of methods

- documentation, data collection

- data analysis

- ethical issues

Qualification objectives

The students are introduced to the main methods in qualitative empirical research with a strong focus on observation and interview techniques.  They will develop an awareness of the advantages and limitations of each method.  They will be able to individually plan, execute and reflect on a research agenda.  They will be familiar with generating and documenting empirical and multilingual data.  They will be able to appropriately present their research in a multilingual and culturally heterogeneous context.  They will become aware of various research traditions common in the countries participating in this program.

Special admission requirements


Recommended prerequisites
No information
Continuation options
No information

Aubin-Auger, Isabelle (2008), Introduction à la recherche qualitative. (http://www.bichat-larib.com/publications.documents/3446_2008_introduction__RQ__Exercer.pdf) (10.02.2015)

Blommaert, J., Jie, D. (2010), Ethnographic fieldwork. A beginners´s guide. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Denzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S. (1994), Handbook of Qualitative Research. London, New Dehli: Thousand Oaks.

Durkheim, E. (1895), Les règles de la méthode sociologique, Paris: PUF

Kvale, S., Brinkmann, S. (2009), Interviews. Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Przyborski, A., Wohlrab-Sahr, M. (2008), Qualitative Sozialforschung. Ein Arbeitsbuch. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH.

Silverman, David (2000), Doing Qualitative Research: A practical Handbook. London, New York: Sage Publications.

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